Josef Brunner’s is getting #active with a new #initiative – maybe also because his story is a #founder’s story that feels more American than German: He pulled himself up by his own boot strings after he had to drop out of school as a teenager to earn his keep. And has founded and sold several startups, the last one for 300 million.
Now, he and family business owner Sarna Röser as well as such founders and company owners as Daniel Metzler, Frank Dopheide or Fabian Kienbaum created and/or support an Initiative called Unternehmer in Bewegung (Entrepreneurs in Motion) with the objective to inspire SME-owners and founders to participate in breathing new life into Germany’s dwindling economic prowess::
The Goals
👉 Bring the future of Germany as a business location into focus
👉 Align Germany with clear goals and build a plan
👉 Create a different tone in the country
How to Achieve these Goals
👉 Measure how often entrepreneurship is discussed in the Bundestag
👉 Track how often members of the Bundestag visit entrepreneurs
👉 Write a „Whitebook“ outlining what a vision for entrepreneurial Germany could look like
👉 Ask political parties to include entrepreneurial concerns in their election programs
👉 Develop an open-source „Speech-Check“ that monitors debates and interviews in real-time and makes it transparent when the standards of being a role model are violated.
If you’re interested about learning more about Josef’s life and business endeavors, listen in on this conversation that Handelsblatt Editor-in-Chief Sebastian Matthes had with him in his #HandelsblattDisrupt podcast at
If you’re a #founder or #company owner, you might want to check out this new initiative and join founders and business owners like :
Natalie Mekelburger, CEO Coroplast Group
Kathrin Wickenhäuser-Egger, CEO Wickenhäuser & Egger AG
Alicia Lindner, Co-CEO & Co-Owner börlind gmbh
Lukas Büdenbender, CEO Büdenbender Dachtechnik
Dr. Hadi Saleh, CEO CeramTec
Thilo von Selchow, CEO Thilo von Selchow GmbH
Karsten Wulf, CEO zwei.7 Holding
Christina Diem-Puello, Founder & CEO DD Deutsche Dienstrad GmbH
Jessyca Staedtler, CEO documentos Berlin
Dr. Annika von Mutius, Co-Founder Empion
Daniel Metzler, CEO Isar Aerospace
Fabian Kienbaum, CEO Kienbaum
Tobias Ragge, CEO HRS
Markus C. Mueller, CEO Nui Care
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