is a strategy consultancy, content creator and audio production house that partners with media companies, management consultancies, SMEs and corporates to support and promote their brands.

strategy. content. production. native advertising.

We evolve and realize concepts for audio content and podcasts that give our clients the confidence to lead, help them identify new target groups, and sustain and grow the trust of their stakeholders.

We create, write or edit journalistic or non-fiction formats, integrate podcasts into existing marketing mixes and 360° communications, support CEO communications, help with employer branding and internal comms and develop new forms of native advertising.

Based in Cologne, Germany, we provide professional sound engineers and state-of-the-art studios here – and via our network of partners – throughout Europe.

Our team of experienced audio journalists and PR experts works in German and English, remotely, or wherever our clients need them.

News & Insights


We provide our clients with a deep background in developing corporate communications as well as branding and positioning strategies.

Customer focus
Image building and branding
Employer branding
Integration into 360° global marcoms
Social media marketing
Integrated marketing campaigns
Transformation processes – global and regional
Internal comms


With our background in writing and producing for journalistic print and broadcast formats for tier one media, as well as working in leading marketing and PR roles, we consult on and operationalize the production of content:

Developing formats
for specific target groups
Defining KPIs
Integration into strategic objectives
Scripting support or scripting
Voice and recording training
Planning, research and production


With our professional sound engineers, state-of-the-art studios in Cologne and our global network, we serve global and national firms anywhere.

Audio ID and template creation
On-site or remote recording
Studio production
Hundreds of professional voices
Mixing and mastering
Coaching on recording techniques
Essential equipment training

Native Advertising

Advertising in or sponsoring of podcasts serves as a brand and image building tool that positions clients as innovative, agile and at the forefront of transformation. We consult, support or operationalize:

Development of innovative
and unique formats
Content creation for specific podcasts
and target groups
New approach to story telling
Content marketing

Some of our clients

Handelsblatt Disrupt mit Sebastian Matthes

In „Handelsblatt Disrupt,“ Handelsblatt Editor-in-Cief  Sebastian Matthes discusses all that’s relevant in digitalization and transformation. In his weekly podcast, he meets up with decision makers, founders and experts for in-depth conversations about current issues, brief insights into noteworthy developments, and updates from Silicon Valley, New York or Beijing.

Guest include founders like N26’s Valentin Stalf, FemTech creator Ida Tin or Flixbus CEO Jochen Engert, corporate invitees like Vodafone CEO Hannes Ametsreiter and Bosch KI Lead Christoph Pylo, and influencers like VC Klaus Hommels or Bert Rürup.

The Global Home of Human AI

The Global Home of Human AI
What is probably the most ambitious project for applied artificial intelligence in Europe is currently being built in the north of Heilbronn. A unique, innovation-promoting ecosystem as a platform on which different partners come together to work together on future-relevant AI solutions.

„Handelsblatt Crime“ the case wirecard

We’re proud to be the producers of this great podcast series, hosted by Ina Karabasz and Felix Holtermann, both seasoned correspondents at Germany’s leading economics daily Handelsblatt.

In each of the 12 episodes, we’re looking into a different aspect of the case and ask the question: Which systemic loopholes, weaknesses or regulatory inefficiencies have made it possible to perpetuate this fraud over what appears to be many years.

We ask what type of personality is necessary to instigate a fraud on that level, we speak with economic crimes experts, we analyse the shortcomings of auditors and the auditing systems, we follow up on the crusade against Wirecard critics and we look at the policies behind the case in Germany’s capital Berlin.

The series runs between August and December 2020 on Podimo and on the Handelsblatt  homepage.

The Bits & Pretzels podcast

Every week, Bits & Pretzel Editor-in-Chief Britta Weddeling invites the most important voices from the global founders and VC network to her podcast to discuss their routes from founding or financing a startup to the peak of international success.

Guest include world renowned Silicon Valley representatives such as Dropbox CEO and co-founder Drew Houston, Shazam founder Chris Barton and Union Square Venture managing partner Albert Wenger as well as Hollywood Actress and The Honest Company founder Jessica Alba or LinkedIn-Cofounder Reid Hoffman.

„Zukunft Familienunternehmen“

With Zukunft Familienunternehmen, EY and WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management – Institute for Family Businesses and Mittelstand (IFBM) partner to discuss German family businesses’ most urgent issues such as disruption, transformation and resilience.

Nadine Kammerlander, head of the IFBM, presents best cases and solutions in discussion with EY partners and family business CEOs, acting partners and shareholders.

HVB/UniCredit  podcast with CEO Michael Diederich

A biweekly update on bank-relevant internal and external issues – ranging from how to serve customers during Covid-19 to sustainable finance and the state of the global economy. Hosted by Andrea Rexer, head of identity at HvB, in conversations with CEO Michael Diederich – and with guest ranging from global science and technology company Merck KGaA CEO Stefan Oschmann to renowned economist and head of the ifo Institute Clemens Fuest. Now available on all popular podcast platforms!

Zuhören der podcast

Ein Podcast rund um gutes Zuhören und gehört werden
und für alle, die sich für bessere Verständigung und Dialogkultur interessieren.
Wer dahinter steckt? Die Bürgerinitiative ZUHÖREN.DRAUSSEN. Ziel des Podcasts: Wir vermitteln Zuhör-Kompetenzen, geben Menschen eine Bühne, die sonst kein Gehör finden und wir tauschen uns mit Initiativen aus, die sich dem Zuhören widmen. Denn: Zuhören ist für uns die Eintrittspforte für ein besseres Miteinander, Toleranz und Vertrauensbildung. Und die Super-Kraft gegen Spaltung, Ausgrenzung und die Eskalation von Konflikten.
Unser Host Gudrun Höpker – Radio-Moderatorin, Schauspielerin und Kabarettistin – begrüßt zum Thema Zuhören Gäste im Studio

Strukturwandel im Rheinisches Revier

Revier-Geschichten erzählt die Geschichten von Menschen und Projekten, die mit neuen Ideen, Innovationen und viel Energie am Strukturwandel weg von der Braunkohle hin zu neuen Technologien und neuen Möglichkeiten im Rheinischen Revier arbeiten.

BCG podcast

Expertenduelle die es so noch nicht gab: Top-Entscheider aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft wie Start-up-Unternehmer Nico Rosberg, FDP Chef Christian Lindner oder Alexander Sixt vom Mobilitätsdienstleister Sixt treffen auf Experten der Boston Consulting Group.

In jeweils 45 Sekunden beantworten Sie sechs identische Fragen zu einem Thema, das die Gesellschaft bewegt – von Future Mobility über den Klimawandel bis zur digitalen Transformation.

HVB/UniCredt internal podcast Deep Dive

New in 2021! HVB/UniCredt internal podcast Deep Dive: A podcast aimed at staff published internally that discusses internal management and operation issues in detail with on-location managers and team members from across the HVB universe: Insights from employees for employees, ranging from customer centricity to digitization to cyber security, presented by Tanja Deutschenbaur, Sebastian Glubrecht and Jonas Rühaak.

„Women in PR“ with Ana Adi

Ana Adi is a professor of public relations and corporate communications at Quadriga University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, chair of the Digital Communication Awards and member of the Institute for Public Relations Measurement Commission. When not writing about what communicators can learn from protests and social movements, Dr Adi focuses on mid-term solutions for the professionalization and future-proofing of communicators. She also speaks often about the measurement and evaluation of communication and storytelling.

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Digitales

Content Creation:
Key Notes & Speeches in German or English. Op-Eds. Opinion Pieces. Articles. Website Content.

About us

To learn more about and its founders, please visit Regina’s  and Migo’s profile on LinkedIn and take a look at our studio website at

Regina Koerner LinkedIn

Migo Fecke LinkedIn